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5.3. Saving and Reloading Listings

The list of retrieved files and folders can also be directly saved to file using the FTPSaveList method of the IFTPListItems collection. It can then be reloaded at a later time using the FTPLoadList method.

Exhibit 5.5. IDL Definition of method for saving and reloading listings

HRESULT FTPSaveList ([in] BSTR b_filepath);
HRESULT FTPLoadList ([in] BSTR b_filepath, [out, retval] IDispatch **listitems_pp);

Exhibit 5.6. Example usage of method for saving and reloading listings (VBScript)

Dim ftplist
Set ftplist = app.FTPGetList("remote", 1)
ftplist.FTPSaveList "c:\\listsave.txt"

Dim ftplist2
Set ftplist2 = app.FTPLoadList("c:\\listsave.txt")