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6.2. Initiating Sync Operation

The SyncRun method is used to initiate the synchronization operation. The comparison method used is set using the "bydate", "bysize", "bynewerdate", "bynewersize", "bycrc", "bymd5", or "bysha1" keywords. If "bynewerdate" or "bynewersize" is selected, the destination file is allowed overwrite the source file if it is newer or larger.

The SyncRunV method is used to initiate the synchronization operation and verify each transferred file after transfer using crc, md5, or sha1. The "bycrc", "bymd5", or "bysha1" keywords are used to set the verification method.

Exhibit 6.3. IDL Definition of method to initiating sync operation

HRESULT SyncRun  ([in] BSTR b_syncrule);
HRESULT SyncRunV ([in] BSTR b_verifyrule, [in] BSTR b_syncrule);

Exhibit 6.4. Example usage of method to initiating sync operation (VBScript)

app.SyncRun         "bysize"
app.SyncRunV        "bymd5", "bydate"