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12.7. Exporting Public and Private Keys

The PGPExportPrivKey and PGPExportPubKey methods can be used to export a public or private key from the keyring.

Exhibit 12.13. IDL Definition of method to exporting public and private keys

HRESULT PGPExportPrivKey([in] BSTR b_username, [in] BSTR b_outfilename, [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR b_keyringfile);
HRESULT PGPExportPubKey ([in] BSTR b_username, [in] BSTR b_outfilename, [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR b_keyringfile);

Exhibit 12.14. Example usage of method to exporting public and private keys (VBScript)

app.PGPExportPrivKey "myuser", "myuser-privkey.txt", ""
app.PGPExportPubKey "myuser", "myuser-pubkey.txt", ""