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3.8. Receive Files

The get Copies a remote file to the local computer using the current file transfer type. See also mget, which can copy multiple files. In this command contained the parameter are 'remote-file and local-file. The remote-file specifies the remote file to copy and the local-file specifies the name to use on the local computer. If not specified, the file is given the remote-file name.

The Syntax is

Exhibit 3.12. Syntax of "get" command

 get remote-file [local-file]

The example is

Exhibit 3.13. Example of "get" command

 sysaxftp> get 2007sep20.txt

 200 Command okay
 MDTM 2007sep20.txt
 213 20070919191300
 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,30,19)
 RETR 2007sep20.txt
 150 File status okay; about to open data connection
 226 Closing data connection
