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7.3. Keyrings and key management

Public and private key files used for OpenPGP encryption and decryption are stored in keyring files. The Sysax FTP Automation program maintains a default keyring. When a keyring file name is not explicitly specified, the default keyring is used. The -pgexportpublickey option is used to export a public key and the -pgpexportprivatekey option is used to export a private key.

Exhibit 7.3. Syntax of commands for keyrings and key management

sysaxftp.exe -pgpexportpublickey <username or email> -pgpkeyout <output filename> [-keyring <keyring file name>]

sysaxftp.exe -pgpexportprivatekey <username or email> -pgpkeyout <output filename> [-keyring <keyring file name>]

Exhibit 7.4. Examples for using the commands for keyrings and key management

sysaxftp.exe -pgpexportpublickey john.doe -pgpkeyout keyout.pub -keyring mykeyring.pgp    #export public key for user john.doe from mykeyring.pgp

sysaxftp.exe -pgpexportprivatekey john.doe -pgpkeyout keyout.priv    #export private key for user john.doe from default keyring

The -pgpimportpublickey option is used to import a previously exported public key or a public key from a user to whom a file or message needs to be sent. The -pgpimportprivatekey option is used to import a previously exported private key.

Exhibit 7.5. Syntax of commands for keyrings and key management

sysaxftp.exe -pgpimportpublickey <public key filename> [-keyring <keyring file name>]

sysaxftp.exe -pgpimportprivatekey <private key filename> [-keyring <keyring file name>]

Exhibit 7.6. Examples for using the commands for keyrings and key management

sysaxftp.exe -pgpimportpublickey key.pub -keyring mykeyring.pgp    #import public key from key.pub to mykeyring.pgp

sysaxftp.exe -npgpimportprivatekey key.priv    #import private key from key.priv to default keyring

The pgpexportpublic and pgpexportprivate commands can be used to export public and private keys from within a script.

The pgpresult predefined status flag is set to the predefined constant success if the corresponding command completed successfully.

Exhibit 7.7. Syntax of commands for keyrings and key management

pgpexportpublic <username or email>, <output filename>, [<optional keyring file>];

pgpexportprivate <username or email>, <output filename>, [<optional keyring file>];

Exhibit 7.8. Examples for using the commands for keyrings and key management

pgpexportpublic "john.doe", "keyout.pub", "mykeyring.pgp";    #export public key for user john.doe from mykeyring.pgp

pgpexportprivate "john.doe", "keyout.priv";    #export private key for user john.doe from default keyring

The pgpimportpublic and pgpimportprivate can be used to import public and private keys from within a script.

The pgpresult predefined status flag is set to the predefined constant success if the corresponding command completed successfully.

Exhibit 7.9. Syntax of commands for keyrings and key management

pgpimportpublic <key file to import>, [<optional keyring file>];

pgpimportprivate <key file to import>, [<optional keyring file>];

Exhibit 7.10. Examples for using the commands for keyrings and key management

pgpimportpublic "key.pub", "mykeyring.pgp";    #import public key from key.pub to mykeyring.pgp

pgpimportprivate "key.priv";    #import private key from key.priv to default keyring