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6.1.1. Links for SysaxMultiServer Web File Access Server

The opened Web File Access server interface has five diferent links. They are,

  • Go to parent folder link:

    The go to parent folder link is used to go to the last working page visited from the current working page. While clicking this option, the following figure is displayed(See Figure(6.5)).

Figure 6.5. Example of go to parent folder link

Example of go to parent folder link

  • Delete selected items link:

    The delete selected items link is used to delete the selected file or folder. While clicking this option, the following figure is displayed(See Figure(6.6)).

Figure 6.6. Example of delete selected items link

Example of delete selected items link

  • Upload link:

    The upload link is used to upload files. If you can upload a file, then select the path from upload the following file field. After click the upload option, the follwoing figure is displayed(See Figure(6.7)).

Figure 6.7. Example of upload link

Example of upload link

If you want to download files, just double click the downloaded file from Web File Access Server Interface window. The File Download dialog box was appears with the message Do you want to open or save this file?. In this, you can click the save for download a file, the following figure is displayed(See Figure(6.8))..

Figure 6.8. Example of download link

Example of download link

  • Logout

    The logout button is used to logout the current working account.