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6.10. Restrict Active Directory or Windows Accounts

When using Active Directory or Windows authentication in Sysax Server, specific user accounts can be blocked or allowed. The full account name or wild card patterns such as acc* can be specified. A single * applies to all user accounts.

Figure 6.34. Restrict Active Directory or Windows Accounts

Restrict Active Directory or Windows Accounts

To ban account names, select the Block account names radio box, Click on the Add Name button to add account names that need to be blocked.

Figure 6.35. Add account name to ban

Add account name to ban

After adding the Window/Active Directory account name to ban, the next step is to block specific protocols for each account. To block the specific protocols, check the appropriate protocols in this filed.

Figure 6.36. Blocking Window/Active Directory account protocols

Blocking Window/Active Directory account protocols

To allow only specific account names, select the Allow account names radio box, Click on the Add Name button to add account names that need to be allowed.

Figure 6.37. Add account name to allow

Add account name to allow

After adding the Window/Active Directory account name to allow, the next step is to allow specific protocols for each account. To allow the specific protocols, check the appropriate protocols in this filed.

Figure 6.38. Allowing Window/Active Directory account protocols

Allowing Window/Active Directory account protocols