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3.11. The delaltpath command

The delaltpath command can be used to delete additional accessible paths that were added for a sysax user account on the server. The command will fail if an attempt is made to delete the home path.

Exhibit 3.19. Command line syntax for delaltpath command

sysaxservdmgr.exe /admin cmd=delaltpath user=<username to update> altpath=<path to delete>

sysaxservdmgr.exe /remadmin=<remote IP address> adminlogin=<admin username>:<admin password> cmd=delaltpath user=<username to update> altpath=<path to delete>

Exhibit 3.20. Example of delaltpath command

sysaxservdmgr.exe /admin cmd=delaltpath user=user1 altpath="c:\ftpcommon"