What is The Bitrate?

May 10th, 2014 by Rossy Guide

Basic description

o In digital telecommunication network and computing, bit rate (it is sometimes written bitrate or as a variable R) is the number of bits that pass a given point in a given amount of time, usually a second.

o Bitrate is usually measured in some multiple bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (Kbps), or megabits per second (Mbps).

o Bitrate can also be described as the quality of an audio or video file and it is simply the speed in which a video or music download from the source to our computer.

o Also the bitrate is the rate and that bits are streamed to play the file. A 192kbps file pushes 192k bits per second at playback. For example, an MP3 audio file that is compressed at 192 Kbps and the sound may slightly be clearer than the same audio file compressed at 128 Kbps. That is because more bits are used to represent the audio data for each second of playback. Similarly, a video file that is compressed at 3000 Kbps will look better than the same file compressed at 1000 Kbps.

o For the audio and video file, higher bitrate means more quality and lowering it will lower the quality.

o Bit rate may be used frequently when discussing transmission technology details and data transfer rate (or data rate) when comparing transmission technologies for the end user.

o For the Bitrate, the symbol for “bits per second” is “bit/s” (not “bits/s”) and in less formal context the abbreviations “b/s” or “bps” is sometimes used.

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